Letterkenny Gaels would like to extend congratulations to the Termon ladies on their historic win last weekend in the Senior All-Ireland club final.
The GAA National Draw tickets are now on sale and can be purchased from any club member. This is a great fundraiser for the club as all proceeds from the sale of these tickets stays with the club.
The Club AGM is fixed for this Sunday 7th of December at Errigal Collage at 2pm. Nomination & Motion forms can be downloaded from the club Webpage. All club members are invited & encouraged to attend.
There is a football foundation coaching course & child protection workshop on this Friday & Saturday at the Errigal Collage. If you are interested in attending please contact John on 086 8561768.
We held our football presentation night for the U-13 to U-16 children last week in the A7. Thanks to all who attended and a special word of thanks to Frank Mc Glynn for making the presentations.
The football presentation night for U-6 to U-12 takes place next Saturday the 13th of December with a special guest on the evening. More details next week or see the club Facebook page.
Underage football coaching continues this Friday for U-6 (6-6.45pm) & U-8 (6.45-7.30pm) in the hall at Woodlands School & U-10 & U-12 is in the Aura from 7.30-8.30pm. New members welcome.
Indoor Camogie continues every Monday evening at the Aura Leisure Centre from 7-8 pm for 5th & 6th class girls and Wednesday evenings at the LYIT sports hall from 6-7pm for 4th class & younger. Contact 086 8163605 for information. New players welcome.
Our Club Dinner Dance will be held on the 28th December at The Radisson Hotel. In light of the clubs success this year this should be a memorable and enjoyable night.
Hurling training for U-6, U-8, U-10 and U-12 continues every Thursday at the Aura from 6.30pm-7.30pm. This is open to boys and girls from 4 to 13 years. Please contact Dan Harnett 0867392780 or Sharon Harnett 0868405785 to book or for more information.
For regular club updates and photos see our club web page, Facebook page or follow us on Twitter @LetterkennyGael