With the support of the Donegal Sports Partnership and the Health Promotion Department of the HSE the first ever leader training for Go for Life Games was delivered in the Greencastle Community Centre today Wednesday by Go for Life Senior Tutor Frank Fahey.
Thirty six leaders participated in the practical games training from community groups from Muff, Moville, Malin, Greencastle, Clonmany and Culdaff and these groups will now look to develop participation in their own communities.
The game names of Flisk, Lobbers and Scidil may not be familiar to people in Donegal but through the work of the support agencies it is hoped that through time many of our older population will have an awareness of this exciting games programme.
Dublin City University was the host centre for last year’s Go for Life Games national celebration and it is hoped that for 2015 that Donegal will have a representative team.
Further information on the programme is available from Karen Guthrie, Community Sports Development Officer at Donegal Sports Partnership and also via the Age and Opportunity web page www.ageandopportunity.ie