BY EMMET RUSHE: Everyone has dreams that they want to achieve.
These dreams could be large or they could be small. The size of the dream is irrelevant if the person doesn’t try and make their dreams a reality.
Self-doubt is probably the biggest setback for most people when setting goals for themselves.
Self-doubt is that little voice in your head that will tell you that the dream is too big, or the path to achieving the dream is too hard, or you don’t have enough time to prepare properly, or it will be too expensive, or that if you fail, everyone will be waiting to gloat and judge you.
Trust me, I get it.
In the last 5 months I have sold a house, moved house, am building a house, quit my job and set up a business.
The few months leading up to quitting my job were probably the most stressful due to the amount of things I had going on in my personal life.
I had every opportunity to stay where I was and be comfortable and safe.
My self-doubt was on overdrive.
We were building a house, so surely I couldn’t quit a job where I had a steady wage coming in each week.
If I started up my own business, would anyone come to the classes I set up? Would I be able to keep my personal training clients with moving premises?
Would I be able to attract new clients to work with?
Could I make a living out of personal training in Donegal?
What if I failed?
I could have stayed put and no one would have thought any less of me.
But I didn’t.
In fact except for my wife, no one knew I was leaving my job until I handed in my notice, not even my parents.
Why not?
It was simple.
Once I had weighed up all the good and bad points of staying or going and I had my mind made up, I didn’t want anyone to put any doubt into my head.
Self-doubt is bad; when others are putting their fears on top of that it can stop you before you even get started.
No one likes change.
It makes everyone feel uncomfortable, and so it should.
There is a popular quote that always shows up online;
‘If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough’
This is 100% correct.
If you have something that you want to achieve lay out all the pros and cons, weigh up the odds of winning or losing and if everything points in the right direction GO FOR IT.
Don’t let anyone talk you out of it. Don’t listen to any negativity. Believe 100% in yourself and what you are doing.
On Saturday past I took members of my Better Bodies Challenge group up Mt. Errigal.
For some of you this isn’t a challenge.
For some of the members who have done it multiple times before, it wasn’t a huge challenge and that’s fine.
For the members who climbed it despite having a fear of heights it was.
For the people of the group who struggled from half way up, had to stop multiple times and thought they would never reach the peak, it was a challenge.
They could have given up at any point and no one would have thought any less of them.
But they didn’t.
The sense of achievement that they felt when they reached the summit and saw the views of our breath-taking county’s scenery made it worth every single step.
To achieve your dreams you will have to go through some sort of discomfort; be it in the gym, in your head or in your personal life.
But to achieve even a small dream makes every bit of discomfort worthwhile.
In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “Do one thing every day that scares you.”
For further information on Personal Training or The Better Bodies Challenge, please contact me through the link below. * Emmet is the owner and operator of Rushe Fitness