A Donegal soccer club deserve a ‘pat’ on the back for their latest fundraising plan – a cow pat to be exact!
Rasheney FC, like many other clubs, know how difficult it is to make ends meet.
But they are hoping a local cow, a field and some keen supporters will help them raise the cash.
The club, which is based on the Isle of Doagh, are hosting a sports day on July 27th next starting at 2pm.
And one of the main attractions is a Cow Drop competition.
The aim of the competition os to guess where the designated cow will do its business or ‘Guess Where The Cow S***s’ as the folk in Rasheney put it bluntly.
And with 300 squares at €5 each, that’s a lot of cow s*** which could land anywhere.
But on the udder hand, it is one way to milk a bit of money for the club.
So get mooooving and get your square booked.