Have dental implants fitted at Ready Steady Smiles and leave with your new teeth that same day.
Using dental implants and the most up-to-date restoration techniques, we can provide patients with a full arch of permanent teeth, which are comparable to natural teeth in just one day.
Working closely with our dental technicians we can provide a beautiful and natural looking result, which is fully functional within hours.
How it works….
You arrive early the morning of your treatment.
Any existing problem teeth are removed, before the implants are painlessly placed into the gum.
While you relax and wait, the technicians will immediately begin to fabricate your new teeth, which can be fitted securely later that afternoon.
Enjoy the benefits of your new, fitted, secure teeth by teatime.
Treatment is straightforward and highly successful and offers predictable results.
We also offer conscious sedation for nervous patients.
Talk, eat and smile with confidence.
To book a consultation now contact 1890 265 365 or alternatively 074 97 21508
Or email info@readysteadysmiles.com