WALKING GROUP – Meets every Tuesday morning at 10:00 am for a walk or stroll of about 30 – 40 minutes with a cup of tea afterwards if you want.
All are welcome to join this group. Contact Marie Hutchinson or the Dunkineely Community Limited Office if you are interested: 074 9737678.
MC INTYRE’S BAR – Every Wednesday night have Traditional music from 10:00 pm, also Traditional music session in McIntyre’s Bar, Dunkineely on Sunday afternoon at 5pm. All musicians and singers welcome.
THE DUNKINEELY MONTESSORI – Are still currently enrolling for September 2014. Both ECCE places available and also mornings. Call Joanne or Sinead on: 087 3814655
A MEETING – Of the DCL Dunkineely, Killaghtee and Bruckless Festival sub-committee will take place on Thursday 3rd July at 7:00 pm at Dunkineely Community Limited office (The Manse, Dunkineely). All welcome.
5.00 per entry.
Place your Name, Address and Contact number on the reverse of the photograph clearly marking the CLASS you want to enter. Closing date is Thursday 24th July.
Post your entries to Dunkineely Community Limited’s Office, Main Street Dunkineely, or just drop them into the DCL Office. Keep a look out on Dunkineely Community Limited’s Facebook page.
Dunkineely/Killaghtee/Bruckless Festival – are also having an “Open Art Competition”, Categories include: LANDSCAPE, PORTRAIT, SKETCH OR DRAWING. €5.00 per entry.
Place your Name, Address and Contact number on the reverse of the photograph clearly marking the CLASS you want to enter.
Closing date is Thursday 31st July.
Post your entries to Dunkineely Community Limited’s Office, Main Street Dunkineely, or just drop them into the DCL Office.
Keep a look out on Dunkineely Community Limited’s Facebook page.
DUNKINEELY IN BLOOM – This competition will brighten up the town and surrounding area. From St John’s Point to Croagh and Tullintain to Ballymagowan – if you’re in the Parish of Killaghtee, please consider entering.
No fee to enter as Dunkineely Community Limited has funding from Donegal Local Development Company. We’ll be looking for winners of categories such as:
Best Business > Best small town garden > Best Church > Best school > Best vegetable plot
Best large garden > Best container garden etc.
The main winners will be the community of Dunkineely, Bruckless and Killaghtee area if we all take part however small or big a garden plot/place for window boxes/pots we have.
Judging will take place Sunday 10th August.
But the main winners will be the community of Dunkineely, Killaghtee and Bruckless area. Entry forms available from the Dunkineely Community Limited Office and in local business’s in the Community. “This is a great Community event if we all get involved!” If you are interested contact Dunkineely Community Limited Office on 074 9737678 if you’d like enter or help organise in anyway.
BRUCKLESS ROAD RUNNERS – THE POINT 10K CHARITY FUN/RUN/WALK – Is taking place in Dunkineely on Saturday 16th August 2014 at 11:00 am (Same route as last year).
The chosen charities for this year’s event are Billy’s World Ireland and Clara House Killybegs – (Day Centre for Intellectual Disabilities).
Everyone welcome! Contact Pauric McNern for further information.
A DEFIBRILLATOR – Is now in Killaghtee School, it is on the wall closest to the road. The following people are trained and key holders:
Andrew Walker – 087 2276366
Carol Duddy – 074 9737046
Norman Henry – 087 9474350
Phyllis Young – 087 1300499
Clive Vance – 086 8276575
Georgina Armstrong – 087 3921384.
There is also a key in the following places: Dunkineely Health Centre, Dunkineely Community Limited Office and Killaghtee School.
DCL – Has a library of over 500 books from Children’s Literature. (Roald Dhal’s Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, The BFG to J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone & The Goblet of Fire), Classics (J.R.R. Tolkien to Marian Keyes), Horror, Comedy, Booker-Prize etc. Rent a book from just 20c or perhaps DVD’s, Lego Batman or The Patience Stone from just 50c per night.
Come into the office weekday mornings from 9:30 – 12:30 pm and use the Internet (20c per half hour) or Print Documents (20c per page).
Please note that Dunkineely Community Limited office has changed it’s number to 074 9737678.