Also down for decision are the semi-finals of the Quick Fire 350 and the Quick Draw 350.
Tonight’s runners (first race 8.00pm) are:
Race 1 The Quick Fire 350 first semi-final (350 yards): 1, Loyal Lamp; 2, Tommy Lees Buddy; 3, Ballougry Bound; 4, Augustine Hotdog; 5, Freddys Trooper; 6, Texas Razzmatazz.
Race 2 The Quick Fire 350 second semi-final (350 yards): 1, Topless Bus; 2, Coolcholly Kate; 3, Had It All; 4, Tober Scolari; 5, Holborn Peach; 6, My Last Chance.
Race 3 (350 yards): 1, Macsruso; 2, Corner Plane; 3, Backdoor Jamie; 4, Do It Boy; 5, Joshuas Princess; 6, Goodinthehood.
Race 4 (525 yards): 1, Youonlyliveonce; 2, Kagawa; 3, Friend of Jack; 4, Some Effort; 5, Amaarillos Girl; 6, Colarhouse Bound.
Race 5 (525 yards): 1, Seagrave Bolt; 2, Tahina Rhonda; 3, Wrong Note; 4, Holbourn Oscar; 5, Hather If; 6, Inishowen Queen.
Race 6 (350 yards): 1, Kilnacloy Prince; 2, Drumsna Major; 3, Scally Joe; 4, Free Falling; 5, Ulster Johjo; 6, Fair Rest.
Race 7 (525 yards): 1, Spudzontherun; 2, Coolkereen Hugh; 3, Colarhouse Lady; 4, Fridays Maybe; 5, Drumsna Rose; 6, Ulster Idea.
Race 8 (525 yards): 1, Do It Kim; 2, Mongys Girl; 3, Tahina Sabrina; 4, Altmore Champ; 5, Castleroggy Rust; 6, Tobys Dancer.
Race 9 The Quick Draw semi-final one (350 yards); 1, Drumsna Lilly; 2, Backdoor Bucko; 3, Fridays Berlin; 4, Hillcroft Lass; 5, Saberry; 6, Meenirves.
Race 10 (350 yards): 1, Golden Pearl; 2, So So; 3, Alien Eyes; 4, Inside Lane; 5, Skerries Harp; 6, Frosty Face.
Race 11 The Finn 575 Final (575 yards): 1, Budders Reward; 2, Culture Annie; 3, Rocky High; 4, Spotty Totty; 5, Follom Eva; 6, Spinning River.
Race 12 (525 yards): 1, Tyrgal Charlie; 2, Loughgur Black; 3, Farloe Lulu; 4, Budders Luck; 5, Drumsna Canyon; 6, Smurfing Flame.