Centenary celebrations will take place this Saturday, 14th June at Dooish Schools.
The day begins with a visit to the Old Dooish 1914 school which celebrates its 100th Anniversary at 12 noon.
At 7 o clock a short parade will leave from the Old Schools to the New Schools to mark the progress of education in the area from early Monastic Educational Settings to National Schools.
A tree will be planted by The Green Team and a Commemorative Stone will be unveiled to mark the occasion.
We are also opening a brand new Mainstream Classroom which the community has helped to provide. Following this an Ecumenical Service with Fr. John Joe Duffy and past Pupil Rev. Jim Stewart will take place.
The evening will be rounded off with a Centenary Celebration Show of singing, dancing, sketches, stories and nostalgia. Souvenir Booklets and Centenary Cookbooks will be on sale and absolutely everyone is invited.