An Clochan Liath Club Notes
Bad aid 1, 3, 17 agus 20 na huimhireacha lotto a tarraingeadh ag deireadh na seachtaine seachtaine agus nior baineadh póta óir an lotto. Beidh €4,800 sa phóta óir don seachtain seo.
Bhain na daoine seo leanas €20 an ceann Patricia O’Donnell, Cloughwally, Ronan Molloy, Meenmore, Margaret McGonagle, John Ward, Miltown agus Francie McGovern, Dungloe.
Bhain Packie Gallagher as Ard Crone €150, bhain Mary Kennedy as Glenties, Ann Houston as Cleendra, Margaret Melly as Leitri, John Boyle(Thatch) as Burtonport agus Brid O’Donnell as St. Peter’s Tce €100 ag an bhingo.
Dungloe made the long trip to Carndonagh on Thursday last.
Dungloe played well in the first half with Ben Boyle, Philip Rodgers and particularly Dara Ward impressing in the first half by getting out in front if his man in every occasion and winning three converted frees. Harry Noble was excellent in goal and Dungloe led by two at half time.
Dungloe tired in the second half and the absence of some of their regulars began to tell.
The game finished with a twenty one yard free for Dungloe, which if converted into a goal would have sealed victory but it was well struck but narrowly wide if the post.
Harry Noble and Dara Ward were both very impressive but man if the match was Harry Noble in goal with gear stops and reflex saves and brave clearances.
The result was immaterial as Dungloe have already qualified for the league semi-final and play Donegal town in that game away next Thursday.
Dungloe U10 Hurlers traveled to Convoy Centre of excellence on Sunday past to compete in an all County Blitz.
The Dungloe team played consistently well including Eoghan Walsh, Conor Diver, Evan McFadden, Damian McGowan, Philip Noble, John James Blaney and John Paul Bonner and Cain Bonner.
Dungloe played Letterkenny Gaels, St. Eunans, Setanta, Burt and Carndonagh and won all five of their games. Congratulations to Dungloe and to their coach PJ Walsh and mentors.