Unacceptable and shocking, that was the verdict from independent candidate Donal Cullen, following the announcement of an increase of 28% in the housing waiting list in Donegal.
The reality behind this percentage figure in real terms is that at present 2,146 people are awaiting housing.
Cullen, an independent candidate in the Letterkenny-Milford Electoral area has said the increase is both intolerable and shocking.
Cullen told Donegal Daily, “It is predicated that this figure will rise in the future unless there are immediate steps taken to increase the number of social housing available.
“Many ordinary hard working families who have contributed to the economy of the country, now find themselves faced with the awful and painful reality of their homes being repossessed by the banks, and many of them cannot afford the ever rocketing rent prices.
“Indeed the well known social rights campaigner Fr.Peter McVery, has warned that if this trend continues many families will end up homeless.
“He has described the housing crisis as having the potential to causing a “tsunami of homelessness.
“A frightening comparison! But sadly a reality!
Cullen finds it hard to comprehend, he points to the absolutely scandalous number of boarded up houses and Ghost Estates throughout Donegal.
According to Cullen, it is counter-productive and not practical that these properties are not being utilized when we have so many people in need of housing.
The Government should release funding to the local authorities to enable them to take-over these properties.
Cullen concluded, “The people on housing lists are not statistics, they’re human beings who are as citizens of the state and are entitled to be treated as such.
“I am calling on Donegal County Council to take the initiative in leading the way for a take over of these boarded up houses and Ghost Estates.
“If I am elected to Donegal County Council, I will be making very strong representation on this issue.
“It is the constitutional duty of every Government to protect its citizen’s and having a home is not a luxury it is an necessity.