Sporting events give a great opportunity for communities to come together to showcase their activities or services and it can be a rewarding experience for any volunteer to contribute to a successful event.
However when it comes to sports events which share public roads or local waterways safety for all participants and road users is paramount.
Now Donegal Sports Partnership are hosting and evening awareness raising seminar in the Station House Hotel, Letterkenny around sports event safety and management.
This event will have a panel of experienced speakers from varying backgrounds who are willing to share their experiences around the health and safety of sports events.
The panel will look at best practice to ensure that you and your organisation can reduce the physical and legal risk to participants and to the general public which can be costly and damage the reputation of your event and your organisation.
Other topics will include event planning, recruitment and training of volunteers, site suitability, race junctions and access to emergency support.
The seminar will run from 7pm to 8.30pm on Wednesday 4th June at the Station House Hotel in Letterkenny and will be free of charge.
To book a place or for further information please contact Donegal Sports Partnership 074 9116078 /16079 or email at