Independent candidate, Peter Cutliffe, has come out in strong defence of Public Sector workers who, he believes, are the easy target of current and past government mismanagement.
Cutliffe told Donegal Daily, “As vice -chair of Donegal ETB and being involved indirectly in Letterkenny Hospital through Friends of Letterkenny Hospital, I see and hear a lot of dismay amongst public sector workers, who have been let down by successive governments.
“If elected, as an Independent Councillor, I can lobby for property-tax to be lowered, which is within the power of County Councils.
“It is imperative also that we have strong Independents elected now which will oppose any future taxes coming down the line.
Public -sector workers have had their sick leave entitlement essentially halved, and Cutliffe said he knows this is putting enormous strain on employees.
Cutliffe concluded, “If elected as an Independent, I intend to stand up up for the public-sector workers as I believe they have been let down by successive governments.