A priest found to be one of the biggest sex abusers in a review of a religious order served in Co Donegal between 1973 and 1975.
The review, which was carried out by the National Board for Safeguarding Children into the Missionary Society of Columban, showed that 24 out of 41 allegations were against Fr Patrick Maguire.
Fr Maguire served in Letterkenny where a report found that he visited many homes and also had altar boys stay over nights at the local parochial house.
Maguire, who was laicised in 2010, was convicted of sexual abuse a number of times both in Ireland and the UK.
He served as a priest between 1960 and 2000 when he was suspended by The Columbans.
He is currently serving two suspended sentences of three years dating from May of last year and resides under strict supervision at the Columban’s Dalgan Park in Co Meath.
He also featured in the 2009 Murphy report as he abused while in the Dublin archdiocese for a period.
The Columbans have reached out to any potential victims of Maguire and a total of eleven other priests who allegations have been made against.
It is thought the new appeal and review into the abuse by the NBSC may encourage other young boys abused by Maguire in Donegal to come forward.
Also see how former Bishop of Raphoe Anthony McFeely allowed Maguire to get away with abuse of young boy. Click on this link….