Group pictured at the seminar to launch “The Impact of the Active Citizen in a Changing Irish Society”
2013 is the European Year of Citizens and to mark this year Donegal Town is playing host to a seminar looking at the impact of the active citizen in a changing Irish society.
Speakers at today’s event include Tim Hayes, European Commission representative in Ireland, Seamus Boland, Irish Rural Link and Frank Dawson County Manager of Roscommon County Council.
This seminar is also a keynote event during Social Inclusion Week and speaking at the event Mayor of Donegal Cllr. Ian McGarvey said that “it is fitting that a seminar on active citizenship should take place in Donegal.
“We have, without doubt, one of the most vibrant community and voluntary sectors in the country. Today we are launching the Donegal Community & Voluntary Sector Profile which provides a snapshot in time of the diverse, vibrant and active community and voluntary sector and the wonderful contribution that each group and organisation makes to the county and to the lives of the people living in this county”.
The Donegal Community & Voluntary Sector Profile reveals that there are over 750 community organisations operating in Donegal providing services, supports and facilities to the people of Donegal.
This profile will help inform policy design and delivery at a local, regional and national level. By mapping out the services, supports and facilities being provided by this sector this profile presents a clear picture of the contribution that this sector makes to life in the county and provides a strong case for ensuring the long term sustainability of the sector.
The Seminar is being organised by Donegal County Council and Donegal County Community Forum, in conjunction with Donegal Local Development Company and Donegal Volunteer Centre presented an opportunity to explore how emerging Government Plans and policies may impact on active citizenship in Donegal.
Following an overview of the EU Year of Active Citizenship by Tim Hayes, European Commission Representative in Ireland, participants will hear from Seamus Boland of Irish Rural Link and Frank Dawson, Roscommon County Manager on the changes that are being implemented at present in the Local Government and Local Development sectors.
The second part of the Seminar will focus on celebrating and recognising the valuable contribution made by so many active citizens and volunteers through out the county.
The fourth annual ME4U awards, facilitated by Donegal Volunteer Centre, recognised the contributions of volunteers and community activists across the County.
The Donegal Pride of Place awards ceremony recognised eleven community organisations who have implemented projects in their local areas that have contributed to the community having an increased “pride” in their “place”.
Five of these groups will now go on to represent Donegal in the National Pride of Place competition to be held in Derry on the 16th November.