Sinn Fein Finance Spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has said the budget’s cut to the Single Parent Tax Credit is unfair and out-of tune with modern Ireland.
Deputy Doherty said Sinn Fein is opposed to the unfair cutting of the Single Parent Tax Credit.
“This is an unfair move and is out-of-tune with the needs of modern Ireland.
“This move will ultimately affect the children of separated parents as one of their parents will now have less to provide for their children’s needs.
“This move sends out a message to separated fathers in particular that their care- giving is not equally respected by the State. That is an unacceptable message for a government to send out and could be viewed as favouring one parent over another.
“Sinn Féin will oppose this cut in the Finance Bill and I call upon Minister Noonan to look again at this proposal and to exam its impact on equality and on the children of separated parents.”