Caption – Johnny McCollum presenting Letterkenny Athletic Club Chairman Brendan McDaid with a copy of a DVD chronicling the history of the club. Also included are committee members Neily McDaid, Danny McDaid and Bernie Walsh along with juvenile members.
The annual presentation night takes place in The Station House Hotel on Friday, September 27th at 8 pm and not Friday, September 20th as previously reported.
Tickets are €20 per adult and €10 per child. The DVD of the history of Letterkenny AC will also be launched on the night.
The club hosted the Donegal 5K road championship on Sunday and the event was a great success, with 278 taking part. Peter Gibbons was the best of the black and amber vests when finishing in seventh place in 16:32. The race was won by City of Derry’s Conor Bradley in 15:42, with Finn Valley’s Mark Hoy second in 15:45 and Gerard Gallagher, also of Finn Valley, third in 15:48. The senior women’s race was won by Theresa McGloin of Finn Valley in 16:56, with Letterkenny AC’s Fionnuala Diver second in 18:16 and Finn Valley’s Catriona Devine third in 19:03.
The next race on the local circuit takes place on Saturay morning when Milford stage a 10K road race. This race has an 11 o’clock start and entry fee is €10.
Training for the juveniles has resumed for the new season, with sessions each Tuesday and Thursday at the Danny McDaid Track at the Aura Centre at 6.30 pm.
Caption – Johnny McCollum presenting Letterkenny Athletic Club Chairman Brendan McDaid with a copy of a DVD chronicling the history of the club. Also included are committee members Neily McDaid, Danny McDaid and Bernie Walsh along with juvenile members. The DVD will be launched at the club’s annual presentation in the Station House Hotel, Letterkenny on Friday, September 27th