Over 2290 students across the county will be getting their Junior Certificate Results today.
In Donegal, 1136 females and 1154 males sat the Junior Cert exams this year. Today they’ll find out how well they did.
School principals will be handing out results to students throughout the day. Results will also be available online after 4pm on examinations.ie.
Nationwide, just under 60000 students sat the exams. Over 10 per cent of students received A grades in the Higher level English, Maths and Irish papers.
There was an increase in the uptake of higher level Maths this year. The numbers earning A grades fell by 3 points to 11.90per cent. The failure rate of higher level Maths in the country rose by 0.5per cent.
While ordinary level maths results have improved across Ireland, the number of students earning As fell by 4 points to 9.9per cent.
There was a notable rise in students earning A, B and C grades in Science
Students can appeal results through their schools before September 27.
Mr Noel Brett, Chief Executive of the Road Safety Authority urged students to be safe tonight if they are planning to go out and celebrate.
He said that today is a day for parents to be proud of their children’s achievements. “However, that pride could very quickly turn to grief if something tragic happens on the roads tonight,” he said.
He called for parents to talk to children about responsibility on the roads.
“Before they head out tonight, make sure you know who they will be going out with, where they are going, how they’re getting there and most importantly, how they intend to get home.”
by Rachel McLaughlin