Flowers and some holy water have been left at the spot where Alan McSherry lost his life outside Bundoran yesterday.
BREAKING NEWS: Gardai have ruled out any connection between a car they seized today and a fatal hit-and-run incident in Bundoran yesterday.
The car, which was discovered outside an old house in the area, was lifted and has been technically examined by Gardai.
However while Gardai are so far remaining tight-lipped about the incident, sources have told Donegal Daily the car is NOT the car involved in the death of Alan McSherry.
“Initial examinations would suggest this is not the car we are looking for and does not match the fragments left at the scene,” said a source.
The 48 year old was found dead a mile outside Bundoran at 5am yesterday morning after being struck by a vehicle.
He was found lying on the road by his wife Jo whom he had phoned minutes earlier looking for a lift home.
Fragments from a car were found at the scene and are being used by Gardai in an effort to match up with any car involved in Mr McSherry’s death.
Garda inspector Michael Harrison has appealed for the driver of the car to come forward.