As CAO offers are circulated to thousands of students today, the President of the LYIT Student Union is urging existing and prospective students LYIT students to fight for their future.
Brian McElwaine has welcomed the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) initiative SERD (Student Electoral Registration Database), a national student voter database which will allow them to marshall and influence hundreds of thousands of votes in constituencies all over the country.
Speaking about SERD and potential grant cuts, Brian McElwaine said last year’s delay in the processing of SUSI grants outlined how important maintenance grants are to LYIT students.
“Any government decisions to cut grants would have a serious impact on the daily lives of LYIT students.
“The Student Union at Letterkenny Institute of Technology condemns any further cuts to the maintenance grant. LYIT students cannot face another winter of grant issues and worries.
“I, along with my colleagues at LYIT Student Union and USI, urge students at LYIT and their families to support the national SERD campaign.”