DONEGAL fans travelling to the All-Ireland Quarter-Final clash with Mayo at Croke Park have been warned to travel early.
Dublin Bus drivers strike is going ahead and all buses in the city have been cancelled.
This is likely to increase the number of cars on the way into the city and in and around Dublin’s main thoroughfares and add to the parking problems.
Fans using the N5/M5 are also being warned that Cavan fans are travelling in large numbers for their match with Kerry.
Further north, there’s a Republican Hunger Strike commemoration in Monaghan and diversions in and around Emyvale.
Fans normally using this route are being advised to travel via Armagh/Newry – with some fans planning to use the M2 and M1 in the North to travel via Belfast.
Meanwhile those staying in Donegal to watch the match on Tv3 will get the best of the match day weather.
Met Eireann has warned that Dublin could be hit by thunderstorms on Sunday evening.