Tickets still available for our dinner dance in Jackson’s hotel this Sun 04th Aug. Entry to the dance is by ticket only so please don’t be left disappointed and purchase your ticket from any committee member. Contact Maeve on 086 3940761 or Andrena on 087 1369788 for details.
Charity Skydive
Pauric Duffy will be doing a charity skydive on the August bank holiday weekend in aid of four charity’s. SNAP- Special Needs Accessible Park. MS Donegal. Little Angels School, Letterkenny & Temple Street Children’s Hospital. All donations greatly appreciated. Pauric can be contacted on 0877702622
Coffee Morning
A coffee morning in memory of Lulu Pringle will be held on Fri 09th Aug in the St. John Bosco centre Donegal town from 10 am-4 pm. All proceeds going towards the North West Hospice and The Solace Care Centre Donegal Town. Contact Jude on 086 3945008 for more info.
Irish Wheelchair Association
We would like to thank everyone who donated to the recent Irish Wheelchair Association Church gate collection. A grand total of €112 was raised, many thanks.
Tyrconnel Martyrs Flute Band
Practice every Tuesday in the hall @ 7.00pm. All new members welcome. We’ll teach you to play the flute or drum and have some fun!!
Charlie Daly & H-Block Martyrs Sinn Féin Cumann Drumkeen
Lotto Results 24th July 04, 07, 09, 18. No jackpot, 1 win €100. Ekkie Volkmer, Mountcharles. Next weeks jackpot €1,325 Go raibh maith agat.
St. Mary’s GAA
Bingo Continues in hall on Tues at 8.30
Parish Hall
Anyone wishing to book the hall should contact Charlie Quinn on 91/34010 or 087 7728608
Drumkeen Notes
Anyone wishing to have material included for next week
Please Email: or text 086 4083625 (Deadline Fri @ 8pm) Please note the new deadline.