Confirmation that the Irish Coastguard Rescue Co-ordination Centre at Malin Head will be retained as part of a new plan to improve maritime safety has been welcomed by Senator Jimmy Harte.
“It has been confirmed to me today that the Irish Coastguard Rescue Co-ordination Centre at Malin is to be retained, along with centres in Valentia and Dublin. This is very positive news for the locality and puts to bed any fears there may have been around the service’s future.
“A technology enhancement programme will also initiated between the Malin, Valentia and Dublin, allowing them to be operated as an integrated unit, providing efficiencies and achieving savings,” he said.
He added the decision to retain the co-ordination centres, confirmed by Minister Leo Varadkar today, has been taken as part of a broader plan to overhaul maritime safety and marine emergency response services, which was announced earlier.
“The plan will see the establishment of a new Irish Maritime Administration, which will have an over-riding emphasis on safety and will co-ordinate efforts more closely between the Irish Coast Guard and the Marine Survey Office, which monitors safety standards on boats and in ports.
“The number of recent tragedies occurring around our coastline, and the families whose lives have been devastated by the loss of loved ones, has put the need for a new Maritime Safety Strategy into sharp focus.
“Our key concern in Government is to create a culture of safety at sea, building a deeper awareness of what measures we can take to tackle risks together and the decision to retain services at Malin Coastguard Centre is a local manifestation of that commitment to prioritise maritime safety from now on.”