The seniors recorded another home win against Carndonagh on Saturday evening. The reserves had no game this week.
The seniors defeated Carndonagh in Newtown on Saturday evening, gaining another two valuable league points. The full time score was Naomh Colmcille 1-11 0-9 Carndonagh. The seniors have no match this weekend.
The reserves fixture against Carndonagh didn’t go ahead as Carndonagh were unable to field. There’s no fixture for the reserves this weekend.
Naomh Colmcille u10s had a fantastic Blitz at Letterkenny Gaels last Saturday (17th). The Red and White Teams had a winning streak at the Blitz, and one draw. There was outstanding leadership shown by many of the players, which led to all the players playing like teams. Termon and Letterkenny Gaels had large numbers of players attending which made for 3 games for all teams. Thank you to all family and friends for attending, helping and helping everyone have fun. One can see future senior champions in the distance on Saturday. Great effort by all players. Thank you to Letterkenny Gaels for hosting once again.
The u16s got the points from their fixture against Carndonagh. See website/Facebook page for training/match news this week.
The Lucozade Sport Club Crusade promotion is on again this year. Collection bag is now in the clubhouse. Please collect the bottle tops for the club. This year we can collect for balls, equipment, jerseys etc. Thanks.
Training and Match Schedule
The use of mouthguards for all underage players will be compulsory from this year onwards, and for all ages (including seniors) from next year. More details available at; and on the club website.
Information here is correct at the time of compilation of the weekly notes. Check the Training Schedule section on the club website for latest updates on training for all age groups. The page will be updated regularly throughout the week. Updates also on the club’s Facebook page.
Subscription of €2 per player (up to and including minors) per week for training. Please make sure you bring your full kit (shorts, track bottoms, boots, sports top/hoodie/coat, drink). Remember a mouth guard is needed for training sessions as well as matches. New players most welcome for all teams. Come along to the session scheduled below, or contact the team coach/manager (contact details on the training schedule section of the club website) for details.
U8. Training/blitz details to follow later this week.
U10. Training continues Friday 26th July at 6:30 pm sharp for one hour (tbc).
U13. Training will start in August (date tbc). First match on Saturday 7th September.
U14. Training – check Facebook / website for updates
U16. See Facebook page and website for updates during the week.
Minors. See Facebook page and website for training updates during the week.
Seniors / Reserves. Training on Tuesday (23rd) and Thursday (25th) at 7 pm sharp. The session will run for 1.5 hours. See Facebook and website during the week for updates.
Naomh Colmcille Weekly Lotto
Last week’s numbers were 1,6,19,12,10 and the winners were Monica Mc Daid, Eileen Callaghan and Monica Mc Daid who won €25 each. This week’s numbers are 13,18,19,6,21. The three winners are Jim and John (Peters Bar), Sharon Mc Cready Manor and Rose and Eugene Coyle Newtown who win €25 each. Next weeks jackpot is €3200.
The Club would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support of the Lotto as it gives the club the essential means of continuing to give our local kids and adults the chance to avail of a great and healthy pastime.