A FEAST of classical music will be on show in Falcarragh this Friday.
The Szabó-Yélamo String Duo, supported by the Donegal Children’s String Orchestra, play at The Auditorium in the town at 7.30pm.
It features the best of classical music with renowned Hungarian violinist, Orsolya Szabó-Yélamo, accompanied by the expert Spanish cellist Víctor Yélamo. Programme includes Beethoven, Haydn, Gliére and Bartok.
Support is by the Donegal Children’s String Orchestra. Café facilities available on the evening – Ticéad: €6; Páistí/Children: €4
Scoth den cheol clasaiceach le Orsolya Szabó-Yélamo ón Ungáir ar veidhlín, agus Víctor Yélamo ón Spáinn ar an cello. Seinnfear rogha ceoil le Beethoven, Haydn, Bartok, Gliére agus eile. Seinnfidh an Donegal Children’s String Orchestra fosta. Bia, fíon agus caifé ar fáil.