London-based Donegal woman Emer Callaghan has launched a bespoke service to help Irish emigrants settle into life in London.
Fáilte go London aims to facilitate the new wave of Irish who, either by choice or because of economic circumstance, is moving to London.
The initiative covers everything from advice on how to get a National Insurance number, to understanding the transport system andtips on the best recruitment agencies and where to live.
Fáilte go London consists of three separate programmes: Getting Sorted,Sorted Not Settled and Living London to the Full.
Fáilte go London is the perfect solution for those feeling overwhelmed by the size of the city.
When designing the programme, Emer (29) from Churchill, drew on her own experience.
“I moved to London in February 2010 searching for ‘that something else’ which people often feel is missing in their lives. I made the move completely on my own and it was tough!
“And while I love London now, it was only when I trained as a Life Coach in 2011 that I began to settle here. The course motivated me to try new things, meet new people and make the most of what this great city has to offer.
“I now have a great group of friends of all nationalities, work that I really enjoy, and feel like I’m part of a little community within a huge one. I want to use my experience to help other Irish people settle in London and ultimately feel at home here. It’s a great city if you’re willing to explore!”
Getting Sorted is a done-for-you, kick-start guide to making the most of life in London, full of practical information and advice including:
§ Job hunting made easy with a guide to getting a National Insurance number, opening a bank account and using the correct CV template
§ Advice on finding the perfect place to live to suit individual lifestyles and budgets
§ A simple, straightforward guide to London transport
§ Understand the cost of living and design a budget
§ Get the low-down on London with a guide to pubs, clubs and restaurants
§ Build an instant social network by connecting with other Irish people in London
§ Format: a 4 hour group session with a maximum of 5 people taking place on Saturday, 25th May 2013 at 10am in The Legal Cafe, 81 Haverstock Hill, London NW3 4SL. Special introductory offer of €70/£60 per person.
Sorted not Settled! is designed for those who have accommodation and a job in the city, but still want more from London life. Participants can expect the following:
§ Discover what they want from life in London and plan how to get it
§ Build confidence to meet new people, try new things and enjoy it
§ Get that sense of ‘home-away-from-home’ by making contact with groups and organisations that want new Irish members
§ Discover how to enjoy London on a budget with a guide to the best free events and exclusive special offers
§ Learn time management skills to fit in new and desired activities
§ Uncover hidden London and all the possibilities that go with it
§ Format: a 4 hour group session with a maximum of 5 people taking place on Saturday, 8th June 2013 at 10.00am at The Legal Cafe, 81 Haverstock Hill, London NW3 4SL. Special introductory offer of €70/£60 per person.
Living London to the Full is a one-to-one programme designed for those who want to maximise their London experience and create their dream city lifestyle. While each programme is completely individual, key elements include:
§ Spring clean each participant’s life to focus on what they really want, then go for it!
§ Find the work life balance that’s essential in this hectic city
§ Create a plan to achieve the ideal career and manage competitive colleagues
§ Develop an action packed schedule and learn to love London again
§ Format: one-to-one sessions conducted over 6 months or in an intensive full day session. Cost and location are agreed in advance depending on individual requirements.