Can’t Pay Won’t Pay have described the latest payment figures of the Property Tax as a ‘body blow’ to the government and said it is now clear that many people will defy them and not return their registration forms.
“The lastest figures show only 400,000 people up to the weekend have registered. It remains to be seen how many registered over the weekend.” said spokesperson Micheál Cholm Mac Giolla Easbuig.
“We expect it to be a relatively low figure. The decision by the Revenue to accept registrations posted on the Tuesday deadline smacks of desperation. They know the figures don’t look good and the Property Tax is in trouble.”
He added that last week it was reported that 15,000 a day were registering as the deadline approached.
“Even at this increased level with the first deadline looming, that would result in only 700,000 registering by the online deadline. That will leave in excess of 1 million non-payers. A boycott on this scale will mean the Property Tax is dead. It doesn’t matter what powers the Revenue have been given.
“They will not be able to pursue so many people determined not to be ripped off to pay for the banking fiasco. The figures are a body blow to the government and their attempts to intimidate us into paying unfair taxes.”
The CPWP spokesman said they are calling on people to maintain the boycott saying the figures prove that if we stand together we can defy the governent and see the end of their hated home taxes.