Ulster winners Congratulations to Scoile Bríde who took part in the Ulster Finals of Feile Scoile Dramiochta in Letterkenny recently. They came 1st in their section and qualified to compete in the All Ireland Finals, which will be held in Mullinger on Friday 19th April. Congratulations to Amelia Laughlin who won the Best Actress award. Well done to all.
Graveyard Blessings Blessings of both graveyards will be held on Sunday afternoon 14th July. Times will be announced at a later date
Medical aid for Africa charity called Surgeon Noonan is run on a voluntary basis by the fourth year medical students in Cork.They fundraise all year and aim to take as much money over to Africa as they can. Last year €140,000 was raised and this year they hope to surpass that amount. There will be a table quiz in Mc Creadys bar Lettermacaward on April 1st (Easter Monday) to raise funds for this charity. The quiz will be starting at half 7 that evening. There will be a raffle on the night and a prize for the best Easter bonnet on the night.
Meenagowan NS wish to thank most sincerely all who bought and sold lines for our Easter hamper draw. We made €336. We are very grateful to Supervalu, Dungloe who generously sponsored the hamper. The draw was held in the school on Wednesday 20th March. Congratulations to Sinead Elliott,Tuam winner of the hamper. Second and third prizes
(Easter Eggs) went to Gracie McCahill, Boyoughter and Coastal Windows.
Drama The Inniskeel Drama Group present their hilarious play ‘ Love Thy Neighbour’ on Thursday 4th, Friday 5th and Sunday 7th in the Inniskeel Hall, Portnoo starting at 8.30pm. Come along for a nights laughter.