The club, in conjunction with the Parents Association of Scoil Mhuire National School, Milford, held a Jigs & Reels competition as a fundraiser for the year on Friday past in the Silver Tassie. It was a great nights entertainment which saw a fantastic turnout from the local community. The club would like to thank Noel Cunningham, MC on the night, and John Bosco for providing the entertainment between dances, the sponsors, the judges, especially Danny O’Carroll (Buster from Mrs Browns Boys) who made an extra special effort to be there. A huge thank you especially to the dancers who made huge sacrifices over the past number of months and their hard work and dedication shone through on Friday night. A lot of that credit must go to their teacher, Natalie McGeever, who did a fantastic job. Christy McCafferty and Joey McFadden won the peoples vote, while Aidan Cannon and Agnes Ryan won the judges vote. It was also decided to donate 10% of the profits towards assisting the Milford people involved in a serious car accident that occurred in Australia last week. Presentation of the cheques and a thank you to the dancers will take place in the Travellers on Saturday 23rd.
*Scor Sinsir*
Congratulations to all the club members who participated in the Senior Scór Semi Final in Burt on Saturday 16th. The club competed in five different categories, with three out of five making it through to the county final, a truly great success rate which reflects all the hard work put in by Brendan Ward and his team. The instrumental group, Ballad Group and Quiz team made it through and although we didn’t make the final in the recitation and solo singing competitions all the club members who participated on the night made it through to the county final as members of the groups. Thanks to Brendan and Christina for the use of the house for practise and all the refreshments. This was the clubs first serious foray into Scór Sínsir for many years and bodes well for the future. The Scor Sinsir county final takes place next Friday 22nd February at 7.30pm sharp in Glenswilley and all support would be greatly appreciated.
*Junior Championship*
The Seniors have been drawn to play Naomh Ultan in the Preliminary round of the Championship with the winners facing either Robert Emmetts or Muff
*Club Membership*
Please note that club membership is now due. Membership rates are €20 for adults, €10 for children, and €50 per family. Alternatively you can download a standing order form from the club website ( for the weekly club lotto. Entry to the lotto database costs €17 per month which also entitles you to 11 weeks free entry to the lotto as well as full family membership. Membership forms will also be available to download from the website in the coming days. The deadline for payment of membership is the 17th of March and can be paid to any committee member, see the website for committee details. PLEASE NOTE: The club will only source Donegal tickets for fully paid up members as of the 17th of March.
*Sen/Res/u21/Minor Training*
Training for all Senior, Reserve, U21 and Minor players continues every Wednesday at 7pm at the pitch in Milford. Training will also take place on Saturday, time to be confirmed. If for any reason you are unable to attend let the management know.
*Ladies Training*
Training continues at the pitch every Wednesday at 6.30pm and Saturday morning at 10am.
*U14 Training*
The U14’s have training every Friday at Fern from 5.30pm to 7pm.with League starting at the start of March it is important we get everyone out. Managers are Darragh Kelly and Gerry Crossan.
*U10 Training*
U10 Training continues this Sunday at Moyle View Park at 12.00. All Children are requested to bring Mouth Guards/Gum Shields plus Water Bottle. Could all parents please try to get children to use the Gum Shields a number of times during the week as it is quite difficult for the children to get used to them. They are compulsory since 1/1/2013. If anybody does not have Gum Shields yet they will be on sale at Training on Sunday.
*Milford GAA Club Gear*
Club gear is now available to order. The range of club gear includes Hoodies, Tracksuits tops, Windcheaters, hats, navy polo shirts, white polo shirts, and t-shirts. There is some lovely gear available at very reasonable prices and photos are available to view on the club Facebook page. Orders can be placed with either Barry on 086-3400082 or Aidan on 087-1223177.
Hoodies (Kids 5-11: €29.99. Kids 13-14: €38. Adults S-XXL: €39.99)
Track top (13/14 – Adult XXL: €38)
Windcheater (Adult S-XXL: €23)
Hat (€7.50)
Polo Shirts (Navy) (13/14 – Adult XXL: €29.99)
Training T-Shirt (Kids 5-11: €18. Kids 13-14: €19.99. Adults S-XXL: €23)
Initials can be added at an additional €2 each
This weeks lotto numbers were 14-18-20-22. No jackpot winner, 3 match 3 winners gets €25. The winners were: Ciaran Alcorn, Pat Curley, Milford, & AP Friel, Ballyare. Next weeks Jackpot is €5,620.
*Conversational Irish Classes*
There will be no conversational Irish classes this week due to Ash Wednesday but they will resume next week. Adults and children welcome. Admission: Adults €2, Children €1. The classes will be for 1.5 hours and refreshments will be provided