Bingo continues in Hall at 8.30 Lotto results for 22nd Jan 1 WITH 3 Counties CW,LS,MN,OY Rebecca Mc Namee Convoy Nx weeks Jackpot €2650 Lottos available from Committee members Contact 0872140060 if interested in buying or indeed selling lottos €2 each or 3 for €5
Registration is now due and must be paid by the 26th March by 6 pm to be in with a chance to get tickets for Donegal v Tyrone Game Adults €30 and Minors €3 Contact Julia Blake on 0862611290
Training for Underage Boys are Girls starts back THIS Friday from 6-7 Could all coaches try to be available to help out thanks (Due to new rules ALL UNDERAGE PLAYERS MUST WEAR A MOUTH GUARD )New Players are always welcome .
Could all managers please let PRO Mairead Browne (0872140060) with notes , any times of training etc for their teams and I will put notes up on page and in papers for you thanks .