VIEWPOINT: You can send your views to or leave a comment below:
In response to your story in relation to the Glencar Bend and last night’s incident where a car ended up on its roof.
I wrote to members of the town council last year when my Jeep went off the road. It ended up crossing the road and then it ramped up onto the kerb just inches from where that car that went off the road yesterday was lying.
The next day at approximately the same time as I was driving home from work my heart sank as I seen a grandmother, her son and his two kids walking in the exact spot where my car landed the evening before.
Had I went off the road 24 hours later I dread to think what my life would be like right now.
At the time I mentioned to the town council that I often used to walk that road with my 2 kids in a pram until I realised that it is “A stairway to heaven” so now I never walk down that road and do not intend to until something is done.
It is bad enough having to drive up and down as you do not know who you are going to meet regardless of what speed that you are going.
Other people do not have a choice they have to walk on that road and it should be a safe option for them.
I never before had an accident, first time in 10 years that I had to claim off my insurance and if I was travelling at the speed limit of 50kph I would have done much more damaged.
You cannot enter that bend at 50kph you have to slow down much further especially if the road is wet you basically have to crawl passed to make sure that you get passed safely.
What about the drivers that go a little faster than 50kph and that have not used that road before they do not know what kind of bend it is until they are in it and whatever happens next is just luck.
I have also stressed to the town council that it is such a popular road for walkers, runners, parents with new babies and of course parents taking their kids to and from school.
I have mentioned that it is only a matter of time before a family has their life changed forever because no-one did anything to stop it happening.
I think our luck has to run out as how many times can a car go off and hit the kerb or the wall and not hit a pedestrian?
How many times do the town council have to hear about accidents on that bend before they put down a few ramps that will save lives?
Maybe it would be an idea if some of the members of the town council came up and stood on the kerb at that bend from 8.30AM to 5.30 PM to see if they themselves feeling safe.
There is no point in sympathising with a family when a life or lives are lost as it will be too late then.
So to the members of the council that can make a change if you all love your job and want to do a good job then you need to make this a priority at your next meeting!
It’s 2013 a new year and it can be a year that you all can make a huge change in Letterkenny and the Glencar bend should be your first priority.
Just remember that you can sleep at night when you know that you have done something to help others whereas you will lose sleep if you think you could have done something and didn’t.
I know that I have now highlighted the problem once again and that I will not have regrets if lives are lost on that bend, can you all say the same?
Thanks to Donegal Daily for publishing this and Happy New Year to all your readers!