January 12, 2013

WILLIE MCATEERTHE family of former billionaire businessman Sean Quinn are to give evidence in the trial of a Donegal banker.

The Quinns will be called as witnesses for the Prosecution when Rathmullan native Willie McAteer (pictured) goes on trial later this year.

The former Finance Director with Anglo Irish Bank is accused of permitting Anglo to give financial assistance to Patricia Quinn, her five adult children and ten senior clients of the bank who became known as the ”Maple ten”, to enable them all to buy shares in the bank.

He is facing 16 charges altogether.

Mr McAteer was granted bail last year by Judge Cormac Dunne with conditions including a €1,000 bond of his own and a €10,000 cash surety from wife Maria, who was also in court.

The former banker, who now lives in Dublin, was ordered to hand in his passport.

Former Anglo Irish Bank chairman Seán Fitzpatrick and executive Pat Whelan are also facing charges.

Barrister for the Quinns, Martin Hayden SC, told the Commercial Court the Quinns are unlikely to oppose an application by the DPP to defer their own civil action against the bank until the criminal proceedings conclude.

The family’s case is provisionally set for 9 April.

It has also emerged that about 250 hours of phone transcripts between Anglo, the Department of Finance and the Central Bank concerning Seán Quinn’s stake in the bank, have been discovered by IBRC for the family’s action.

The criminal proceedings are due for mention on 23 January.

