Looking for a practical christmas present? The club have merchandise available for purchase including polo shirts, t-shirts and jackets. Check out the club website at www.naomhbrid.ie for availability of club gear or contact Menie Martin on 086-6891746 or Aisling McDaid on 086-1500387.
Anyone who wishes to purchase pictures with the Sam Maguire cup from the recent dance held in the community can do so by contact Michael Gallagher (painter).
Good luck to Darragh Brogan who is a member of the IT Sligo Freshers team who take on University of Limerick in the All-Ireland Freshers League final this Wednesday.
A Naomh Brid Christmas quiz will be held in the Bay Bush Bar on Friday 7th December at 10pm. Everyone is encouraged to attend and give support to the club.
There was no winner of this weeks lotto. The jackpot now stands at €12,800. Next weeks draw will take place in the 7 Arches on 3rd December. This weeks winners of €25 were; Mark Hammond, Irene Walls, Cathal Duffy and John Walls. The numbers were; 2, 9, 14, 17 and 21.