The school community of Gairmscoil Chú Uladh, Ballinamore and the wider community of the Gaeltacht Lár gathered together in the school on Friday to launch the school and community’s ‘Couch to 5k’.
On the day guest speakers including Patsy Mc Gonagle, Brendan Boyce,Teresa Mc Daid, Therese Laverty (Donegal Sports Partnership) and Lynda Mc Guinness (Girls Active) were on hand to motivate the staff, pupils and community to undertake the challenge.
To add to the event information stands were on hand to help prepare the students for the challenge with Mc Elhinneys Department store, local Physiotherapist Deirdre Mc Daid, Public Health Nurse Helen Kelly, Fionnuala Wooton Fitwalk, Seanie Mc Devitt (Glenties running group), Neil Agus Mary Martin (Finn Valley A.C.), John Gallagher ón chlár Green Prescription, Get Fresh, Sarah Mc Devitt & Maureen Mc Shane (Zumba and Jive instructors) and the local Gardaí giving valuable advice.
The Mile Race (for first and second years) and the 5k race will take place on the 8th of February. Couch to 5k plans are available from the school and anyone interested is welcome to collect one and join us for the race on the 8th!
Bhailigh daltaí, múinteoirí agus tuismitheoirí Ghairmscoil Chú Uladh agus pobal na Gaeltachta Láir chomh maith le saineolaí aclaíochta eagsúla i nGairmscoil Chú Uladh Dé hAoine seo caite chun an ‘Tolg go 5k’ a sheoladh sa scoil agus sa cheantar.
Ar an lá, bhí oraidí spreagtha ó réimse aoi-cainteoirí mar Patsy Mc Gonagle,Teresa Mc Daid, Brendan Boyce, Therese Laverty (Donegal Sports Partnership) agus Lynda Mc Guinness (Girls Active) chun an lucht féachana a spreagadh chun an dushlán seo a ghlacadh . Chomh maith le seo bhí comhairle cuí agus seastáin eagsúla ar fáil ar an lá ó Mc Elhinney Sports, an Altra phoiblí, Fionnola Wooton ó Fitwalk, Seanie Mc Devitt (Grupa rith na Gleanntaí), Neil Agus Mary Martin (Finn Valley A.C.), John Gallagher ón chlár Green Prescription an Bhrocaigh, Get Fresh, Sarah Mc Devitt & Maureen Mc Shane (Zumba and Jive) Fisiteiripeoir Deirdre Mac Daibhid, agus na Gardaí Síochana. Beidh an Rás Míle (Don chéad agus an dara bliain) agus Rás 5k ar siúl ar an 8ú lá d’Fheabhra ag an scoil. Tá fáilte roimh achan nduine plean ‘Tolg go 5k’ a fháil uainn sa scoil agus an rás a dhéanamh linn sa bhliain úr.