Strabane District Council chairman Thomas Kerrigan and Madge Toye-Temple presenting Geraldine Robinson and Colette Kelly from Sargasso Restaurant with their Bronze award.
Sargasso Restaurant in Letterkenny has been awarded one of the first Change a Little Change a Lot Accessibility Awards.
Sargasso Restaurant along with Douglas Bridge Cross Community Association Limited in Strabane were presented with a bronze accessibility award, while Healthy Bon Fitness Club in Strabane received a silver accessibility award.
Straddling the cross border axis of Donegal and Strabane, the awards honour businesses, community organistions and public sector bodies who make themselves more accessible to people with disabilities.
Funding for this project has been provided by the European Union’s INTERREG IVA programme, secured by Co-operation and Working Together’s (CAWT) Community Awareness Programme.
Last week’s CSO figures for Co. Donegal show that 14% of the population in the county have a disability while this figure is similar in neighbouring Strabane.
“As I know from my own family experience finding accessible social venues locally is very difficult so it was very close to my heart when I opened Sargasso last year to create a fully accessible restaurant to enable full inclusion in the dining experience” says Colette Kelly, owner of Sargasso Restaurant.
“When we saw the Change a Little Change a Lot Awards we knew they were right up our street. Social inclusion is a must for the future so I would really encourage businesses to apply for the awards and make whatever changes they need to reach the necessary accessibility standards.”
Sharing the same commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, Sargasso staff have undergone Disability Awareness training which has improved confidence in using a range of methods to communicate with people with disabilities and one staff member has sign language skills. The restaurant menu is now available in large print and other alternative formats will be provided on request.
“There’s no doubt that being inclusive is simply good business,” says Caroline Robinson, Restaurant Manager. “We really enjoyed going through the process with ADAPT NI whose services were absolutely free as a result of this programme. They guided us and ensured we made changes that would make a difference.”
This programme culminates in an overall gala awards ceremony in the Clanree Hotel on 30th May 2013. The results of this awards programme will mean that people with a disability in the Donegal/Strabane area will be able to access their services easier, and according to the organisers will “give participating organisations’ edge in the marketplace and encourage more footfall into their companies.”
To apply log onto www.changealittlechangealot.com or email Joanne@mediabox.ie for more details. You can also call Joanne directly on +353 74 9168478.