A major milestone has been marked with the launch of the construction phase of the PEACE III Pettigo Tullyhommon Termon Project on the Donegal Fermanagh border.
Northern Minister Nelson McCausland and Minister of State Dinny McGinley were present to launch this €8.3m EU funded scheme, which will see a major revitalisation and the provision of cross-community facilities in the border villages of Pettigo and Tullyhommon.
Donegal County Council who are the lead partner in the development of this project, has been working with Fermanagh District Council and the Association for the Development of Pettigo and Tullyhommon (ADOPT) for the last number of years to bring the project to this stage of construction.
Speaking at the launch, the Mayor of Donegal Cllr Frank McBrearty said: “This is a very exciting day for everyone concerned. This community has been working with Donegal County Council and Fermanagh District Council for a number of years now to make this project a reality and it gives me great satisfaction to be here today to see this marking of the beginning of the construction phase.”
He added that “a special word of thanks must go to the funders of this project, the SEUPB, who through the PEACE III Programme are providing funding to the tune of €8.3million and this in itself is testament to their confidence and belief in the value and potential of this project to reinforce progress towards a peaceful and stable society in this part of the island of Ireland”.
Contractors P.J. Treacy & Sons Ltd are undertaking all the works under this complex scheme which includes the construction of a Multi purpose venue and playschool on the old community centre site; a Youth Hub at the Methodist Hall, Tullyhommon; a Riverside Park and footbridge along both sides of the Termon Rivers and a number of Environmental Improvements to enhance the appearance of both villages.
Ministers Nelson McCausland and Dinny McGinley turned the first sod on the development, ably assisted by a group of children from the local community playgroup.
Minister Nelson McCausland said “This project will promote a shared and better future by providing space, facilities and improvements to the local environment.
“It will be a place for everyone, for use by the communities of Pettigo and Tullyhommon, and accessed and shared by the whole community here in Northern Ireland and the Republic. The shared space will provide the environment to facilitate and encourage more opportunities for cooperation between all sections of our society and will be a wonderful symbol of the regeneration of this area.”
The new Riverside Walkway and new footbridge across the river Termon will provide a restful and symbolic feature in the centre of the village, uniting both villages across the border.
Minister of State Dinny McGinley said “This project is testament to the cooperation and determination of the communities to work together and deliver for future generations a flagship project that will be the focal point of the communities. A place where everyone young and not so young can meet and take part in a range of activities from sport, health and well-being, arts, culture and drama all ensuring that the enormous potential for reconciliation among these communities is realised.”
Speaking on behalf of the funder, Lorraine McCourt from the SEUPB said: “I am delighted to be taking part in a key moment in the development of this initiative supported by the European Union’s PEACE III Programme. This project is of great significance for the region, both for its symbolic character in linking the two villages and for the physical regeneration that it will promote.”
Cllr Thomas O’Reilly, Chairman of Fermanagh District Council, commented ‘The Termon project is an exciting initiative which will notably regenerate this border region. It will result in enhanced facilities, an improved environment and increased prosperity within the local area.
Matching funding for this project has been provided by the Department for Social Development (NI) and the Department for the Environment, Community and Local Government (Ireland). Speaking earlier today, Martin Eves, Chairman of the local association ADOPT said “ADoPT and the local community are delighted to see a contractor on site; it has taken years of persistence and dedication to bring this project to fruition. The Termon project is the catalyst for much needed infrastructure development which will transform the social & economic dynamics of this border area. We would like to extend a special word of thanks to our project partners in Donegal & Fermanagh Councils; and in particular our funders the Special EU Programmes Body, who’s support has made this project possible”.
The building works including the construction of a multi purpose venue of 22,000 sq. ft, a new playgroup building and a youth hub at the Methodist hall will provide a range of modern purpose designed facilities for all sectoral groups in the wider community.