The Department of Computing at Letterkenny Institute of Technology, on behalf of the Conference Chairman, Mr. Nigel McKelvey, has announced it is hosting the 2013 IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference on the 20th and 21st of June 2013, at LYIT.
Over the last 24 years, the ISSC has established itself as Ireland’s premier Conference addressing all aspects of Signals and Systems.
The Conference specifically focusses on Digital Signal Processing, Controls and Communications and encompasses algorithm and system modelling, design and implementation, for a wide range of applications.
This year, at LYIT, the Conference will also include an additional topic on Systems and Information Security which will cover areas such as Secure Coding, Cloud Infrastructures, Mobile Security, Cryptography, Watermarking, Steganography and Digital Evidence/Forensics.
The ISSC represents a valuable and high profile marketing communications opportunity for business partners and other stakeholders associated with this exciting and growing industry sector.
Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities are available and the Organising Committee would appreciate if you could provide an early indication of your interest in joining with LYIT in sponsoring and supporting the 2013 IET ISSC.
For further detailed information please see the Conference website at