Indoor Hurling/Camogie Competitions:
Daithi Roberts (secretary) has emailed all schools to find out who is interested in competing in the above named competitions before Christmas. Teachers should check their emails and reply ASAP so arrangements can be made to hold these competitions. Children must be U-12 by 1st July 2013 to be eligible for these competitions so it will mainly be 5th class children that can participate.
Football Fixtures:
The fixtures for all the football competitions have now been drawn and can be viewed on the website- We have included a Roinn 6 this year due to the huge entry of schools in the 1-3 teacher category. Roinn 6 will be for 1-2 teacher schools. Schools are encouraged to arrange as many blitzes as they so wish with other schools in their section in order to allow the children as much playing time as possible.