The Naomh Colmcille minors were beaten in the Division 2 all-county championship semi-final on Sunday by the narrowest of margins.
The club hosted an U8 presentation event on Friday; well done to all the kids and parents for attending. Thanks to the club’s county players, Thomas McKinley and Willie Gillespie, for doing the presentations. Thanks to everyone who contributed on the night and over the year.
The club will be starting a 10-week indoor training programme in the Columban Hall. U8s and u10s start this Friday (16th) at 7pm; u12s start the following Wednesday (21st) at 8:15. €1 cost to cover the hall rental. This is open to boys and girls; a separate girls programme is planned for after Xmas. Further details from Barry O’Hagan.
The club dinner dance is set for Friday 23rd November at the Station House Hotel, Letterkenny. Guest speaker is Mark McHugh (All-Star winner). Music by the Squealing Pigs. Tickets can be obtained from Alison Ferry, Adrian Marsh, Sharon Clarke, or Sharon Monaghan. Tickets can also be purchased at Orchid Beauty Main St. Newtowncunningham, and will be on sale down at the Club house on Tuesday night (13th) at 8pm
The club will be holding a Poker Night on Saturday 17th November. Contact Leo Devenney for details.
You can now keep up to date with the latest club news on twitter: Go to and hit Follow.
Naomh Colmcille’s Weekly Lotto: This week’s winning number sequence was Six people matched 3 numbers and the winners were Barney Robinson, Charles McDaid and Aoife Henderson c/o Alices bar who won €25 each. Next week’s jackpot is €1550. The Club would like to take the opportunity to Thank Everyone for their continued support of the Lotto as it gives the Club the essential means of continuing to give our local Kids and Adults the chance to avail of a great and healthy pastime.