Donegal County Council is to invite senior HSE officials to Lifford to defend the new policies.
“I was delighted not only with the support for the motion but also by the justifiable anger voiced by many of those speaking at the meeting regarding the cruelty of these cuts,” said Cllr Mick Quinn.
“These cuts cannot be justified and will end up costing the H.S.E. many times the amount they could possibly save.”
Quinn continued: “As Donegal has the highest ratio of people over 66 in the country it was agreed by the Council to invite the Local Health Officer along with the General Manager of the H.S.E. to a meeting with the Councillors to discuss this issue of vital importance to the people we serve.
“It was also pointed out that despite assurances from the H.S.E. that Home Help hours were being reduced by 4%, many people have had their hours reduced by 70%.
“Alongside the cruelty of the speed with which the cuts have been imposed, elderly people, many of whom live alone, face the challenge of struggling with the beaurocracy of appealing the H.S.E. decision.
“It is incredible that the H.S.E. has not provided a ‘fast-track’ Appeals System for our elderly people in view of the fact that we are fast approaching the depths of Winter.”
Cllr Quinn added: “I sincerely hope that common sense will prevail and in the meantime I would encourage family, friends and neighbours of people who have had their Home Help hours cut to Appeal this unforgivable decision on their behalf.”