Have you ever thought about starting your own business but maybe never went further that the thought part?
Vision to Venture is an 8 week, one evening per week course designed for anyone who wishes to explore the idea of starting a business of any shape or size starts on October 4th.
The programme aims to encourage individuals who are unemployed or at a work or life “crossroads” and who wish to at least take the thought of starting a small business further.
Rosses Community Development Programme are running this business kick start course in conjunction with a training provider from the Irish Institute of Training and Development.
The course is run in a manner which looks at the creativity of the person and the idea, talks about the entrepreneurial mindset, looks at and meets local business start up successes as well as accepting that it’s OK to fail. The focus is on the “Vision” because it’s the vision that keeps the dream alive.
The return to growth in the Irish economy will occur through the start up of small companies employing 1,2 and 3 people and more – That is an Irish Government target in what Minister Richard Bruton calls the “Start-up environment” . Agencies such as Uduras na Gaeltachta, Enterprise Ireland and the Donegal Enterprise Board are well positioned to offer help and assistance at a later stage and this Vision to Venture course is the kick start programme which will get participants ready for that next stage.
Anyone and everyone can start a new business and therefore this course is open to all.
The young unemployed are a huge talent pool of potential small business start ups and recent figures show that the over-50s possess a very high level of success in this area of economic growth.
West Donegal has a strong background in small businesses and many success stories with business start-ups and this 8 week course promises to be a very worthwhile initiative with the talent that is available locally.
The course cost is €145 but discounts may be available. Those in receipt of Social protection payments will be allowed on the course free of charge subject to conditions. Certificates will be awarded on completion of the course.
The course will take place starting Thursday October 4th and every Thursday until November 22nd in the New Rosses CDP offices , Chapel Rd, Dungloe and is open to those living in West Donegal.
Those interested participating in the Vision to Venture course – please contact the course providers Rosses CDP on 07495-61686 or email rossescdp@eircom.net .