We have been drawn in a tough group with Barcalona,Benfica and Spartak Moscow.
Orders are being taken for Benfica.game on 19th Sept.Tickets are limited so first come first served.Prices for day trip (bus,boat and match ticket)are £85stg
members and £100stg for non-members.
Contact Stephen @ 0876256107/0868275143.
Club membership is open at Adult E20 Family E30 Junior E10(16-18) and
Overseas E60.
Membership forms available in McKelveys Bar or any club member.
The club is organising a club trip to Parkhead on 27th October for
game v Kilmarnock.Cost of trip is £180 stg individual with deposit of
£50 stg payable on booking.Family packages are also
available,Family of 4 (2 adults/2 juveniles) £500 stg,Family of 3 (2
adults,1 juvenile) £415 stg.These prices include bus,boat,2 nights
hotel and match tickets,departing 27th returning 29th October.For
further info contact Stephen @ 0876256107/0868275143.
Hail Hail.