Week ending Friday 17th August 2012
With the impending re-opening of schools following the summer break, registration for the afterschool programme will take place on Thursday 30th August from 3-5pm and again on Tuesday 4th September from 3-5pm. Registration fee to cover insurance requirements is as follows- €5 per single child; €8 for two children and €10 for three or more. Please note there will be limited places. The afterschool programme will re-commence on Tuesday 11th September with 3rd & 4th Classes from 3-4pm followed by 5th & 6th Classes from 4-5pm. Wednesday 12th September-Junior & Senior Infants from 2-3pm; 1st & 2nd Classes from 3-4pm and Youth Cafe from 7-9pm; Thursday 13th September-Junior & Senior Infants from 2-3pm and 1st & 2nd Classes from 3-4pm.
In 1999 the Family Resource Centre (then Raphoe Youth & Community Project) brought the Training for Transformation Programme to Raphoe. At that time 20 community leaders/activists participated in the training over several months. Training for Transformation is built on the idea of building a “temporary learning community”, and by doing so, learning the tools of building a sense of community in our own places built on three distinct realities; that everyone feels a sense of being safe and accepted, that everyone feels they are important, significant and has a part to play, that everyone feels a common bond, a sense of solidarity.
Training for Transformation is ideal for developing leadership capacity at grassroots level, creating and deepening a sense of community among diverse groups, particularly those with a history of conflict, and developing skills for community building by experience, a process that is inclusive, participative and built around fostering human relationships.
Partners, the community education agency working in Ireland for over 25 years and who delivered the programme in Raphoe in 1999 is now keen to return to Raphoe and East Donegal to run the Programme again and are in the process of drafting an application to the Department of Foreign Affairs. To support that application Partners are keen to base the application on the needs of groups around East Donegal, and will visit the area shortly to hear first hand the needs of local organisations.
In the meantime, if you are interested in participating in the training please contact Tony on 074 9145796.
Raphoe Family Resource Centre in conjunction with the Border Villages Social Integration Project is hosting a facilitated discussion at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th August on the following themes: belonging, fitting in, identity, feeling welcome, feeling at home, being a ‘blow in’, creating a diverse community where all are welcome.
If you are someone who has recently moved to or back to the Raphoe/Convoy areas then this discussion might be of interest to you. If you are a longstanding member of either community that people have moved in to and wish to help support the creation of a diverse community then please feel free to come along. The discussion should last for about two hours and will be facilitated by Owen Donnelly of the Peace and Reconciliation Group, Derry. Light refreshments will be available.
The Border Villages Social Integration Project is supported by the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund through the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation managed for the Special EU Programme Body by Donegal Co. Council.
Following on from its trips to Stormont and Leinster House the Speaking Up Reaching Out Project for people with disabilities, facilitated by Raphoe Family Resource Centre and Mencap Western Area, the participants permission has been sought by Dr Pauline Conroy, independent policy analyst, to take photographic images to be used as a visual backdrop to a presentation she is making to the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels. Her presentation, “Included or Excluded” to the Labour Market Observatory Conference to take place in November will address the labour market inclusion/exclusion of people with disabilities.
Dr Conroy previously carried out an evaluation of the FRC’s “Making Choices Programme” for people with disabilities on behalf of the then Dept of Social & Family Affairs, an evaluation that recommended that the delivery mechanism of the programme be replicated by any other organization proposing to work with people with disabilities. Dr Conroy will visit the Speaking Up Reaching Out Group on Friday 7th September.
The Speaking Up Reaching Out Project is by the European Union INTERREG IVA Programme managed by the Special EU Programme Body and delivered by Co-operation and Working Together (CAWT) Community Awareness Programme.
The Family Resource Centre will be hosting a 3 hour refresher workshop for those who previously participated in Asist training within the past 18 –24 months.
The workshop will be held on Thursday 4th October from 7–10pm. Tea/coffee available. To book a place please contact 074 9145796.
HEALTHY WALKS Following the success of our walking group on Thursday mornings, thanks to Joe Porter we are also starting walks on Thursday nights, meeting here in the Centre at 7.15pm. If anyone is interested in coming along, please do. Walks take place at 9.30am and at 7.15pm.
Raphoe Family Resource Centre are providing the opportunity for local parents or guardians of pre-school children to spend a Thursday morning from 10.30am -12 noon participating in fun activities, working on social skills, and establishing and maintaining friendships. Siblings welcome.
If you would like further information please contact Melanie on 074 9145796
Raphoe Cub Scouts ages 9 to 11, registration night on Thursday 6th September from 7pm -8.30pm in the Presbyterian Church Hall Raphoe. Adult and child are both to attend for 20 minutes.
The Raphoe boxing club is now back in full swing after the summer break and training sessions take place every Monday – Wednesday and Friday nights from 6pm -8pm when all new and former members (boys and girls) are very welcome along.
Everyone at the Raphoe club would like to extend best wishes to local business woman Annie Friel who celebrated her 90th birthday last week and wish her many more years of good health and happiness.
During the summer break the Raphoe club erected a new extension at the clubhouse which consists of new showers, toilets and changing rooms and a very special thanks goes out to our main contractor Mike Kelly (Sheercloon Developments), local architect and planner Paul Quinn Tullyvinney for his efficient and professional services, to Cllr. Frank McBrearty and Senator Jimmy Harte for all their help and to the local business people and wider Raphoe community for their continued financial support in all our fundraising events.
The new running group is continuing in Raphoe every Monday, meeting at the Royal and Prior school car park at 7 pm. This group is suitable for beginners and intermediate runners. Fee: €3 per person per session. For more information contact Gerard mc Granaghan at 0862117980.
Donegal County Council wish to inform members of the public that the glass and can recycling facilities in Raphoe have been relocated to Raphoe Hardware, Lifford Road, Raphoe Opening Hours: Monday – Saturday 8.30am – 5.30pm.
The Bring banks are now located in the Raphoe Hardware car park near to the entrance of the shop. Thank You.
Raphoe Friday Seniors Club meets every Friday in the Volt House Hall from 10.30am until 1pm. Come along and enjoy the tea and craic. New members welcome. For further information please call the Volt House on 9173966 or just call in any Friday. You will be very welcome.
Community News or Items of Interest for the “Raphoe People” may be emailed to Harriet at volthouse@eircom.net or to Lisa atraphoetidy@eircom.net Thank You.
Please note that all notes should be placed in the box provided in Raphoe Post Office by a Thursday before 4.00 p.m. or alternatively can be dropped into Raphoe Family Resource Centre or e-mailed to raphoefrc@eircom.net every Thursday to meet the print deadline.