(i) Will the Town Engineer update me on my motion to introduce safety measures at Ballymacool Town Park to deal with the problem of children/balls running out onto the Main Road?
ANSWER: The details for the erection of a ball stop fence along the bottom of the grass embankments to the lower side of the “MUGA” have been agreed with the Town Gardener. The work is due to start this week in the park with a timeframe of 2-3 weeks for its completion.
(ii) Given the publication of the “Errigal Arts Festival” programme, would the Town Manager update us on the acquisition of Rockhill house and lands?
ANSWER: Donegal County Council have advised that they have agreed in principle to the acquisition of Rockhill House. Some work is being carried out by the Department of Defence on the property in advance of the Council signing off on the Council’s occupancy arrangements. The Council have supported access for the Earagail Arts Festival and a Training Group to Rockhill House while the Council’s arrangements are being finalised. The Department of Defence are expected to visit tomorrow where a timeline for finalisation of agreement will be discussed.
(iii) Have the Council received an official response to my request “When will the new Accident and Emergency Unit open in Letterkenny”?
ANSWER: The Council have been advised that the Medical Block and new Emergency Department were handed over to the hospital on 23rd March, 2012. The hospital is now in the process of equipping the facility and preparing for the relocation of services from existing facilities in to the new building. A Project Team has been established to oversee this process. The current plan is to move into the new Medical Block and Emergency Department in mid-September with the Medical wards to relocate in the following 2 weeks. More detailed information and key dates will be communicated in the coming months as the project team and its various sub-groups conclude their preparatory work.
(i) Following a visit by the Town Engineer to Residents at Lower Ard O’Donnell when will the double yellow lines be drawn and a ramp to slow down traffic at the top of Speers Lane be laid?
ANSWER: The residents in the immediate vicinity of the junction will be informed in writing of the revised proposal for double yellow lines in the next two weeks. Subject to a satisfactory outcome as well as consultation with An Gardai, the lines will be put down as soon as possible thereafter.
(ii) When are the street lights being erected at the New Line Road (as previously granted by the Council)?
ANSWER: A budget of €7,000 has been allocated this year for the upgrading of lighting along New Line Road. Discussions with Airtricity Networks on the optimum arrangement will take place shortly and a timeframe for completion this year can then be confirmed.
(i) Are the plans in place to provide guided walking tours of the Town this summer?
ANSWER: The Development Officer is currently in communication with the County Museum with a view to seeking funding for waking tours similar to 2011.
(ii) Is there any update on the takeover of Rockhill house by Donegal County Council?
ANSWER: Donegal County Council have advised that they have agreed in principle to the acquisition of Rockhill House. Some work is being carried out by the Department of Defence on the property in advance of the Council signing off on the Council’s occupancy arrangements. The Council have supported access for the Earagail Arts Festival and a Training Group to Rockhill House while the Council’s arrangements are being finalised. The Department of Defence are expected to visit tomorrow where a timeline for finalisation of agreement will be discussed.
(iii) Could I have a further progress on the problem in Carnamuggagh Close with matter overflowing from an Eircom manhole in the estate?
ANSWER: The gullies and storm drains have recently been cleared by the Council. There is evidence of water getting into an Eircom chamber which also needs to be addressed. The Town Engineer will discuss this matter further with Eircom with a view to resolving the matter.
(i) What is the update on works associated with the Tidy Towns Competition?
ANSWER: The Tidy Towns committee will be meeting with the Council in the next week to discuss progress and time lines for various tasks. The main town centre has been power washed at this stage with general cleaning, letter control, planting and grass cutting being worked on, on a daily basis. The Council have also commenced their removal of signage in public areas.
(ii) When will works be completed in the Glencar Road?
ANSWER: Works have been completed on Blacks Bridge and the junction at College Farm Road. Remaining funds in this years budget are to be used for general repair work where required along the full extent of the Glencar Road and will be completed by the end of the programme.
(iii) When will works commence at Ard O’Donnell?
ANSWER: The Ard O Donnell works involve a continuation of the repair and reconstruction of the footpath and carriageway, which commenced last year. These works will be carried out during the school summer holidays./
(i) What progress has been achieved on the proposal to link up areas such as Dromore into the new Sewerage Scheme?
ANSWER: Donegal County Council have advised that the new Letterkenny Sewage Treatment Works currently under construction includes, within the site of the sludge treatment works in Bonagee, the provision of a pumping station to facilitate the extension of the foul sewerage network in the future to the greater Bonagee area. Donegal County Council is currently considering preliminary proposals to include parts of the Bonagee area and in this regard it is proposed to receive a presentation from the Capital Works Section at the July Monthly Meeting.
(ii) Will the proposed Heritage signage be erected on zones for this Summer Tourist Season?
ANSWER; It is proposed to erect upgraded pedestrian signage at the bottom of Church Lane and the Courthouse to direct people to the main public amenities in the town this Summer. This has been tendered out and prices have recently been received. In conjunction with this it is hoped to erect further complimentary heritage signs in certain areas. Further information is required on this with regard to where and what is to be included, as well as costs and budget confirmation.
(iii) Did the Planning Section consider connecting factors such as parking for Taxis and Bus Eireann, County Retail Plan, Congested Traffic Tail Backs, danger of additional in town fuel storage and potential threats to existing fuel Retailers?
ANSWER: In making its decision on a planning application, the Planning Authority is restricted to considering the proper planning and sustainable development of an area, having regard to the matters provided for in Section 34 of the Planning Act. Section 34 sets out in detail the considerations which the Planning Authority must take account of, including the provisions of the Development Plan, Guidelines issues by the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, other relevant Ministerial or Government policies and any submissions or observations made in accordance with the Planning Regulations. The key mechanism through which the Planning Authority demonstrates is in an open and transparent manner that these matters have been considered in making the decision on a planning application is the planning report.