St. Mary’s, Kincasslagh:
PIC: Aedan John baptism.
Next weekend
Saturday @ 7.30 p.m.
Sunday @ 10.00 a.m.
Next Week
Wednesday @ 7.00 p.m., Friday @ 10.00 a.m.
St. Columba’s, Burtonport:
Next Weekend
Saturday @ 6.30 p.m.
Sunday @ 11.00 a.m.
Next Week.
Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri @ 10.00 a.m.
Lay Apostolate Prayer Group 2nd Monday of the Month in the Oratory @ 6.30 p.m. All Welcome.
Anniversaries & Masses
StC= St Columba’s. StM= St Mary’s.
Mary Bonner, Sat 12th May, StC
Brian Ward, Keadue, Sat 12th, StM
Funeral Mass, Sun 13th, StM
Frankie Julia Boyle, Sun 13th, StC
Victims of the Ballymanus Mine Disaster, Wed, StM
Barney McGonagle, Sat 19th, StC
Annie Ann and Dinny Rosie Boyle, Sat 19th, StM
Peter Moy McCreath and Mary Moy Canning, Sun 20th, StM
Mary Breslin and Francie, Enda and Madge, Sun 20th, StC
Michael (the Ailt) O’Donnell, Kerrytown, who was buried on Wednesday.
Cathal O’Donnell, Meenbannad, who died on Thursday. Funeral Sunday at 10.00 a.m. from St. Mary’s Church.
Denis Doherty, Cruit,
Fr. Willie Lynagh, whose anniversaries occur at this time.
May they rest in peace.
Fundraising Events
Caislean Oir, Annagry
Quiz on Wednesday. Proceeds to ST. COLUMBA’S CHOIR CONTRIBUTION TO WINDOWS. Teams of 4, €20, 10 p.m. All welcome.
Please consider becoming a minister of the word or the Eucharist in our parish. Just ring the number above or email me.
Belarus Sisters
The sisters from convent of St. Elisabeth, Minsk, Belarus will be here on Tuesday 22nd May, after Mass in Acres and in the afternoon in St. Mary’s Hall, Kincasslagh.
Burtonport Bowling Club
Any new members wishing to join the club are invited to come along any Sunday evening at 7.30 p.m. to the Community Centre, Burtonport. Bowlers are available to teach new members.
Relay for Life
A 5k walk, run, jog in aid of Relay for Life, is taking place in Burtonport on Sunday 13th May. Registration will take place at the Community Centre from 12 midday. The funds raised are for the Irish Cancer Society, who provide nursing care, patient support, research to try and find a cure for cancer, and many other facilities for people who find themselves in this situation. Please come along and support this worthy cause.
St. Angela’s College, Sligo
Courses in religious education, theology and chaplaincy studies open to teachers, chaplains, parents, sacrament preparation teams and those who are interested in these areas are being run in St. Angela’s College, Sligo. More information 071 9195550, or email
Thank You
The Parents Association of Scoil Mhuire, Belcruit would like to thank, most sincerely, everyone who supported our Fair on Sunday last. The event was a huge success and was enjoyed by all who attended. Thank you to everyone who helped out in anyway and to Daniel and Majella for taking the time to call in and join in the fun. Thanks also to The Cope who sponsored our hamper. Go raibh mile maith agaibh go leir.
Gospel Reflection taken from Pentecost Sunday Year B John 15:26-27
Jesus said to his disciples: “When the Advocate comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who issues from the Father, he will be my witness. And you too will be witnesses, because you have been with me from the outset.”
The disciples – Mary of Magdala, Peter, John and all the others – had experienced the resurrection. They knew Jesus had been raised from the dead – they had met him, talked with him, even eaten with him. But somehow, knowing about the resurrection is not enough. It is as if that knowledge and experience are being held onto as something private and personal. What happens at Pentecost changes every thing. The Spirit of truth is given so that all those who receive it will be sent out, will be witnesses to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Instead of being turned in on themselves the disciples are turned outwards and sent out to bring the good news. As we hear from the first reading in Acts2:1-11 not even the barriers of language can stand in their way.
Do we see faith primarily as something private and personal, given to us for our own comfort and salvation?
As individuals, families and parish communities do we know ourselves to be gifted by the Spirit and sent out to be witnesses to the good news?
Where in our own lives are we called to be witnesses? What does that mean in real terms? How comfortable are we with that?
First Holy Communion
Please remember Lexie Oglesby Grogan, Aoife McGonagle, Owen Gallagher, Matthew Comiskey, Aoibhe Boyle, Owen Doherty, Holly Doherty, Jamie McCready, Finn Nicholas, Chloe Murphy, Orla McCready, Seamus Doherty, Jack Ward, Liam McCann, Seamus McCann, Ethan Sharkey, Harriet Quested and Liam Boyle in your prayers as they made their first Holy Communion this weekend. Congratulations everyone!
Scrap Monday
A “scrap Monday” will be held on Bank Holiday Monday 4th June at the upper factory on the railway road, Burtonport between 10am and 4pm. Check your shed or garage for metal, copper, steel, boilers, bicycles etc… No fridges or toys. Further information from 086 6086231, 086 8415467 or 085 1742559.