The sudden death occurred at her home last night of well known and much respected Annagry postmistress Brid ‘Dora’ Mc Ginley.
Miss Mc Ginley has been postmistress in Annagry for decades in the family post office that is attached to the family home.
Her sudden passing has caused widespread regret throughout the area as Brid was a friend to everyone.
Postman Eoin Mc Garvey said that Brid was like a mother to everyone. “She was very well know, a real lady and one who was always there for everyone. It’s a huge shock for everyone. She was always there and she will be very sadly missed.”
Her remains are reposing at the family home.
Her remains will be removed from the family home on Tuesday morning at 10.30 a.m. going to St Mary’s Star of the Sea Church, Annagry for 11 a.m. Mass. With burial in the adjoining cemetery.
She is survived by her sister, Mrs Sheila Deeney (Ardara) and her brother, Charlie (Dublin), a well know member of the Donegal Association executive in Dublin, nieces, nephews.