At least that’s the first review from their performance on Friday night.
Absolutely brilliant first night and a great performance.
The audience left very entertained and the feedback was so positive. The technical lads…all local current and former club players were outstanding in the production, car park attendents, door staff and the ladies players with club gear collecting votes, make up and hair, Michelle as hostess, a great community supporter.
The great venue that is an Aislann is fast establishing itself as a first class venue of pride for us all. Fiona, Pius and Marie we are sure were proud .
However…the greatest thanks of course goes to the dancers who gave it their all to entertain….and entertain they did. At a time when the great wee nation goes through its toughest time in decades…..the dancers were able to give over 3 hours of entertainment and a great lift to the spirits of our local community….even if not a penny was raised…that in itself is a result.
Those who have tickets for Saturday night should count themselves lucky indeed.
A great show….well done to all.