St. Patrick’s Church, Donegal Town Fr. Willie Peoples 074-9721026
Saturday 17th 9.00am St. Patrick’s Day
11.30am Aggie Mc Daid – Anniversary
Sunday 18th 9.00am Intention for the Sick
11.30am Tessie Mc Groarty – Anniversary
Monday 19th 9.30am
Tuesday 20th 9.30am Tommy Hegarty – Anniversary
Thursday 22nd 9.30am Bridget Stewart -1st Anniversary
Friday 23rd 9.30am Special Intention
Saturday 24th 6.00pm Mai Mc Callion – Months Mind
Sunday 25th 9.00am Kathleen Mc Glanaghey – Anniversary
11.30am Nora Mc Ginley – Anniversary
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY: A Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers at this time. Congratulations
24 hour Eucharistic Adoration will take place in St. Patrick’s Church, Donegal Town beginning after 6pm Mass on Saturday, 24th March and finishing at 8pm on Sunday 25th March. It is hoped that as many parishioners as possible will take part in honoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Sheets will be left at the back of the Church for signatures. Please sign as soon as possible so that it can be checked that all hours are covered.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION – St. Patrick’s Church on Thursdays, from 10.00am –9.00pm. All Welcome!
This tour departs on July 16th ex Belfast, 5 nights Hotel Panorama – €709.00 per person sharing. For further details contact – Bob/Annie Faulkner – 0749721071or 087 4036252, Maura Caldwell – 0749723103 or 086 8875787, Patricia Ward -0749721737or 086 8855165, Joe Quinn – 0749722119 or 087 8362727, Fr. Peoples – 0749721026
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – 2012 – St. Patrick’s Church.
GaelScoil Na gCeithre Maistri – 28th April, 11.00am Mass. – Scoil Aodh Rua Agus Nuala – 5th May, 11.00am Mass
St. Agatha’s Church, Clar Fr. Danny Mc Brearty 074-9721093
Saturday 17th 10.30am ST PATRICK’S DAY – James Hilley and Sr Valentia Hilley – Anniversary
6.30pm Cassie and Christie Meehan and the deceased members of the Meehan family – Anniversary
Sunday 18th 10.30am Brede Hyland – Anniversary
Wednesday 21st 7.00pm Bernard Callaghan – Anniversary
Saturday 24th 6.30pm James and Margaret Cassidy, Kathleen Daly – Anniversary
Sunday 25th 10.30am John Patrick Callaghan, Brigid Mc Garrigle – Anniversary
PRAYERS REQUESTED FOR Mary and Peter Brogan – Drumenny Upper – Anniversary
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT -Tuesday from 3pm -7pm in St Agatha’s Church, Clar.
CEMETERY SUNDAY MASS Sunday 8th July at 10.30am, in St Agatha’s, Church, Clar. Please tell your family and friends.
CONFIRMATION for the children of the parish will be in St Agatha’s Church, Clar next Saturday, 24th March 2012 at 11.00am Mass.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION will be in St Agatha’s Church, Clar on Saturday, 19th May 2012 at 11.00am Mass.
A thrilling Murder Mystery will take place in the School on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday 20th, 21st and 22nd of March at 7.30pm. Admission €8.00 and €5.00 your support would be greatly appreciated.
A Dance will be held in the Centre on Wednesday 21st March, Music by Kiarn Mc Gree, admission €5.00 proceeds on the night to Donegal Community Hospital Day Centre.
Art U8-U16, model making U10-U16 and handwriting U10 for boys and girls is on Wednesday March 21st in the Central Hotel. Registration 4.30pm and competition 5-8pm. Quiz for U14 Boys and girls is on Thursday 22nd March in the Central Hotel at 7.00pm, registration 6.30pm. Registration fee €5.00 per child or €10.00 for two or more children per family.
We are inviting graduate counsellors to apply to train in Marriage and Relationship Counselling. Application forms can be downloaded at or ring 074 9723944 applications to be returned by March 31st
We are going on a Five Day, 4 nights Dinner Bed & Breakfast, Coach Trip on Monday 16th April to Lawlors Hotel, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. Early booking advisable. Contact Peggy at 97 35018 as soon as possible. Non Members Welcome.