The Ulster Appeals Council decision was relayed to club members this evening.
Donegal’s GAA clubs had voted on November 7th by 40 to 36 to accept that no pre-existing agreement existed between St Eunan’s and Letterkenny Gaels
As a result, the Gaels had the Aughaninshin part of the town declared as their club’s catchment area.
That left St Eunan’s with Conwal and Leck part of the town only.
St Eunan’s appealed the decision of the county clubs to the Ulster Council of the GAA.
And that body has ruled that there WAS a pre-existing agreement between both clubs that Letterkenny would not be divided and that each club could draw players from throughout the town and both parishes in the town.
It remains to be seen whether or not the Gaels will now go down the appeal route.
A St Eunan’s spokesman told “St. Eunan’s GAA Club are pleased that our appeal against the recent County Committee decision was upheld.
“Hopefully the matter of Boundaries in Letterkenny can now be put behind us and the club can continue to focus on the development of Gaelic Games in the town. Our club will work with all interested parties to further these aims.”
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