Legal history was made in the county yesterday when a video-link was used during a court case for the first time.
The link was used at Letterkenny Circuit Court during the trial of a man charged with alleged sexual assault.
A key witness in the case gave his evidence from Monaghan courthouse.
The man’s testimony was relayed by video via two video screens at the courthouse and through a microphone system.
The witness was in turn able to see the surrounds of Letterkenny Circuit Court including questions being put to him by both defence and prosecution teams.
Judge John O’Hagan was also able to put questions to the witness through his own personal camera.
The successful link-up lasted more than an hour.
An even more ambitious link-up is to be carried out on November 16th next when a witness in a case at Letterkenny District Court is to give her evidence from Australia.
* – keeping you in touch with all that’s happening in the courts.
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