St. Columba’s Parish Termon – OCTOBER 22 AND 23, 2011
Fr. Patrick Mc Hugh PP
Phone/Fax 074-9139016 Emergency Mobile number 086-2831800 |
Fr. Michael Mc Keever, Churchill at 074-9137057 or daytime at 074-9121208
Parish website: or
Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd October 2011
30th Sunday of the Year
Weekday Masses & Announced Mass Intentions:
Sat 22nd Oct’ | 7.00pm | Private Intention |
Sun 23rd Oct’
11.00am |
For the Intentions of the people of the Parish
Private Intention |
Mon 24th Oct’ | ———– | No Mass during the week, Fr Mc Hugh away on a course in England |
Tues 25th Oct’ | ———– | No Mass |
Wed 26th Oct’ | ———– | No Mass |
Thurs 27th Oct’ | ———– | No Mass |
Fri 28th Oct’ | ——— | No Mass (St. Simon & St. Jude) |
Sat 29th Oct’
7.00pm |
No Morning Mass (St. Colman)
Private Intention |
Sun 30th Oct’ | 9.00am
11.00am |
Missa Pro Populo ( Mission Sunday)
Margaret Gallagher Terargus RIP |
**The Loop Hearing Aid system is currently available for all Ceremonies in this Church
Confessions available after Mass on Saturday evening & on the first Friday of the Month
No Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
No Divine Mercy
Rosary & Benediction on Sunday evening October 23rd at 7.00pm, it is offered for Ireland and the Irish people
Income, Building Fund and & Weekend Collection €2161. Expenditure €3635.50
**Items for inclusion in the Newsletter must be left in the Box provided in front of the altar in the Chapel before 12 noon on Thursday previous to the weekend and clearly marked newsletter.
Confirmation for the Parish is scheduled for Thursday March 29th @6.00pm in St Columbas Church in Termon. Our usual date has gone as it clashes with the Eucharistic Congress in Dublin.
Enveloes for the Noven of Masses for the dead are available at the back of the Church – The Novena for the Holy Souls starts on Saturday November 19th and concludes on Sunday 27th November. There will be a box provided at the front of the Altar for the envelopes.
The next meeting of Termon Parish Pastoral Council is on Tuesday November 22nd at 7.45pmpm in the Church sacristy. Should you wish to have a matter discussed please inform Anne Gallen the Chairperson or Eileen Kelly the secretary or any of the committee for inclusion on the agenda for the meeting on or before Sunday November 20th.
Naonra Termon; Irish & Maths grinds for Junior & Leaving Cert’, Contact Dan on 074 91 39217 for more information.
Don’t forget to get your copy of Diocese Magazine
Have you got your copy of the Diocese Magazine yet? The full-Colour glossy magazine is on sale in chapels EVERY WEEK and is packed with inspiring and uplifting stories from all across the Diocese of Raphoe, not to mention news from the various parishes and dates for your diary and some really fantastic photographs.
If you have a story you’d like to see featured, a local charity event you’d like publicity for, a photograph from a wedding, christening, graduation or special anniversary, a memoriam, acknowledgement or prayer for publication, you can call on 07491-16058 or send us an e.mail to
Craoibhín Notes; Irish Classes – New Zumba class started Wednesdays @ 6pm. Guitar Classes every Tuesday @ 6pm with Paul Ward. Slim R us with Karen at An Craoibhin on Thursday morning @ 10am.
The Annual Dance in aid of the Alzheimer Society of Ireland [Donegal Branch] normally held at Drum Hill Country House (formerly Biddy Friel’s Entertainment Complex), Drumoghill on the October Bank Holiday weekend will now be held in the Clanree Hotel, Letterkenny on Saturday 12th November. Dancing from 10 pm to late to Moon Coin. Tickets available from Ita Wilkie, Letterkenny [074 91 24615]. Admission of €5.00 can also be paid at the door.